Monday, December 21, 2009
Germany - leader of Europe .
Thus, the palm in Germany, where, despite the abolition of the "Prize of heat recovery, the percentage of new car sales rose to 19.7%, equivalent to 279 thousand 725 units. Silver got the French auto market: sales of cars in this country increased by 48,5%, amounting to 216 thousand 452 units. The bronze medal was Italy with the index 182 thousand 976 vehicles sold. Increase amounted to 31,2%. The following car market of England - in November, sales grew by 57,6%, there were 82 sold 158 thousand units. Closes five leaders of the European automobile market Russia. Sales in the neighboring country amounted to 105 thousand 302 vehicles, which is 46% lower than in October. As for the results of the past 11 months of 2009, the leadership among the automobile market of Europe belongs to the same countries. Germany - absolute leader. Rate of sales of new cars in this country amounted to 3 million 591 thousand 611 units. In the second placed France, 2 million 40 thousand vehicles in the third - Italy, 2 million 19 thousand cars in the fourth - United Kingdom, 1 million 855 thousand vehicles, and in fifth place - Russia, 1 million 337 thousand cars.
Gokhran Central Bank sold gold at one billion dollars.
Bank of Russia bought Gokhran 30 tons of gold. The deal amounted to about a billion dollars. The Finance Ministry noted that the gold stored in Gohrane and bought the CBR, "the same number in gold reserves. Therefore, as a result of the transaction volume of gold in reserves is not reduced, and the budget will receive additional funds. In early November, as noted by the agency Reuters, the international reserves of the Central Bank held 19.5 million ounces (approximately 606 tons) of gold. The world market price of ounces of gold on December 21 is just over 1113 dollars. In early December, the value of the precious metal reached a record, surpassing the 1,226 dollars per ounce. In November, Central Bank First Deputy Chairman Alexei Ulyukayev said that the Bank of Russia is ready to buy gold from Gokhran at market prices. Earlier, Russia's finance minister Alexei Kudrin said that the proceeds of the gold funds may be used to buy other resources, including diamonds from Alrosa. Gokhran, an agency under the Ministry of Finance, buying precious metals and dragkamni in State of Russia and sell them. The volume of its reserves are state secrets
Apple may announce defaulted Megafon under a contract to buy iPhone .
Apple Sales International Company may declare defaulted cellular operator "MegaFon" by contract to purchase Megafon smartphone for iPhone sales in Russia, reports Prime-TASS ". In August 2008, "Megafon" made with apple Sales International and the Irish "daughter" apple Sales International. agreement to acquire 1 million iPhone units for resale in Russia for 2 years. Up to 4 th quarter of 2008, including "Megafon" comply with the terms of the number purchased by quarterly iPhone. But then "Megafon" stopped purchasing iPhone because of the inability to sell already purchased smartphones due to falling demand for them in Russia. Therefore, from January 1 to November 30, 2009 Megafon not purchased any iPhone in addition to previously purchased. In June 2009 "Megafon" written off as a loss on declining prices of iPhone 242 million rubles. Currently, Megafon is negotiating with apple to change the quarterly schedule of procurement iPhone compared to the previously agreed upon, but those negotiations have not yielded concrete results. If agreement on new supplies of iPhone will not be achieved, apple may announce defaulted Megafon to a procurement contract iPhone and sue for damages. Talks with apple to review agreements on iPhone sales are also other operators, Russia's "big three" - MTS and Vimpelcom.
"TVEL "sums up the preliminary results of foreign economic activity in 2009.
TVEL (100% subsidiary of Atomenergoprom) summarizes preliminary results of the business in 2009, and notes the key results of overseas markets, the press service of the company. In 2009, Russia's nuclear fuel manufacturer has fulfilled all contractual obligations in full before the foreign customers. The strategic plan of action TVEL "built on the principles of accounting and customer satisfaction, which once again confirms the policy of mutually beneficial cooperation. In February TVEL's long-term contracts to supply 2000 tons of fuel pellets of uranium dioxide of natural wealth for India's heavy water reactors (PHWR), as well as 58 tons of pills from the low-enriched uranium to produce fuel for 1 and 2 nuclear units TAPS reactors type BWR (boiling water reactor). Total income from these contracts for five years will be about 700 million U.S. dollars. Negotiations with Indian partners to increase co-operation, until the joint production of nuclear fuel for various types of reactors. In May of 2009 at the subsidiary TVEL "," Machine Works ", was made two thousandth fuel assembly for a Western-style reactors according to the specifications of the company AREVA NP. During the cooperation to Russia's manufacturer of fuel was not charged with any claims of quality. As a result of the 2009 meetings and talks at the leadership level TVEL - AREVA have agreed to expand cooperation in a number of new and promising projects, the practical realization of which should begin next year. In 2009, TVEL has started delivering nuclear fuel to the first unit of NPP Temelin after the adoption of CEZ solutions for early discharge of fuel from the U.S. unit. High technical and economic characteristics of Russia's fuel created the prerequisites for the adoption of CEZ solutions for early discharge of fuel from a U.S. company and the second power plant Temelin and replace them with Russia's fuel since 2011. In 2010, TVEL plans to sign contracts for the supply of fuel for full load of the unit. Management of the Slovak nuclear power plant operator has decided to conclude with TVEL's contract for the supply of fuel for power plants under construction number 3 and 4 of NPP Mochovce. Commercial contract ready for signature, the ceremony will be held early next year. Last year the company delivered a new generation of experimental fuel assemblies with improved performance at the Hungarian Paks NPP. Following the pilot operation received the approval of the Hungarian supervisory authority to transfer all the units of Paks NPP to the new fuel since 2010. In 2009 an agreement was signed on cooperation with another European operator of nuclear power for the licensing of FA-square of another country in Western Europe. Negotiations continue with other foreign partners to organize the supply of FA-square on the American and Asian markets for nuclear fuel. This year has been fully agreed upon and prepared to sign long-term contract for fuel supplies for Ukrainian nuclear power plants after 2010. The document provides for Russia's TVS at least 12 units in 10 years. Developed justification for investment purposes (OBTSIN) to draft a model of regional plant for the fabrication of fuel abroad. TVEL intends to participate in the bidding process in Ukraine at the choice of partner for the construction of the plant. In addition, Russia's nuclear fuel manufacturer has serious progress in the negotiations on this project with other European countries. Successfully being implemented license agreement on the transfer of Ukrainian production technology components FA of stainless steel. Production of the first qualifying batch is scheduled for 2010. TVEL's continued to work with the Canadian public by AECL (Atomic energy of Canada Limited) for the qualification of JSC "CSW" as a supplier of pressure pipes for water reactors CANDU. In 2010, TVEL's plans to enter the signing of a contract for the supply pipe pressure in Canada for use in upgrading technology of this type of reactor, a developer and exporter which is AECL. In 2009, also signed a contract with the South Korean company to supply KNF qualifying party tube blanks from the Korean zirconium alloy HANA.
From U.S. No one will refuse .
On Tuesday the dollar against the euro and the yen sank to its lowest level for the whole year after the British news agencies circulated information that the Arab countries and other states are considering the possibility of smooth-out of U.S. currency in payment for oil. The reason for selling was an article in the British newspaper The Independent, in which it was observed that the Arab countries, China, Russia, Japan and France are secret talks about switching from dollars to euros, yen and Chinese yuan in trading accounts. Officials mentioned in the article were made by the States or with the denial of negotiations, or said they did not have information about them. However, the denial failed to stop the sale of the dollar. After lunch at the auctions in London, the dollar fell 0.8% to 88.8 yen per dollar and the euro rose 0.7% to 1.4748 dollar per euro. If the dollar continue to fall, it could fall below the minimum in the long years of 87.11 yen per dollar and the euro will be able to develop into a two-year maximum of 1.4842 dollars per euro, reached last month. Kuwait's oil minister, Sheikh Ahmad al-Abdullah al-Sabah said that oil ministers of the Gulf States did not carry out any negotiations on this issue. "At our level, there was nothing - he said. - I do not even think about it '. Head of the Central Bank of UAE, Sultan Nasser al-Suwaidi said that his country does not intend to abandon dollar payments for oil. "No meeting was not" - he told Associated Press, adding that the dollar "will remain the currency for oil prices. An article published in The Independent, supported the existing market skepticism about the U.S. currency in favor of the euro and the yen, while the world still is an open debate on the future of the dollar as the primary global currency. Last week the International Monetary Fund data showed that the level of the dollar in total reserves of the world fell to its lowest level since 1995. Meanwhile, former United States Trade Representative Robert Zallik, managing the World Bank, warned that should not be perceived status of the U.S. currency as a tribute. "Some stories just do not stop, and that information about the probable replacement of the dollar as the main currency for oil trade - this is just another chapter in the conspiracy against the dollar, which today is the key and reserve world currency", - said Jane Foley, a researcher at Forex . com. The dollar also fell against the euro after the central bank of Australia has decided to raise interest rates, which was considered as the property market and economic recovery. New confidence in the future reduces the role of the dollar, which during the recession was considered a safe haven. Worries about the dollar is partly based on the increased budget deficits of the United States and is wasteful of monetary policy pursued by the Federal Reserve System and includes a very low refinancing rates and an increase in money supply in circulation. All these operations could weaken the U.S. currency The fact that the dollar plays the role of reserve currency and the pricing supports it, because governments and businesses to keep or buy dollars. Currency analyst at Bank of Bank of New York Mellon Neil Mellor said that the possible intention of the Gulf States to reduce its dependence on the dollar potentially very important because it concerns the dollar reserves of those countries. Any step, lowering the price of the dollar, and lowers the cost of their own huge reserves. Over the past five years, the dollar dropped significantly in comparison with its main competitors, which has led to calls to diversify foreign exchange reserves in countries such as China and Arab countries. As a result, in talking about the loss of the dollar, its role in pricing there is nothing fresh - in 2003, Russia has refused to anchor their currencies to the dollar, and instead pinned the ruble against the currency basket comprising the dollar and euro. During the last oil boom, Russia, which is one of the largest oil producers in the world, had amassed large dollar reserves. The representative of the Prime Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Peskov, dismissed the newspaper article dubbed her "tiny", but confirmed a new strategy for Russia, which has the goal of increasing the number of reserve currencies, "to ease the load on a single global currency and to prevent another crisis." At the same time, China takes stake in energy and commodity companies to reduce their dependence on the dollar. Hans Redeker, currency expert bank BNP Paribas, said that Saudi Arabia has the largest oil reserves in the world would be a key country in discussing the ways in which currencies should be evaluated oil. "Investors should not forget that Saudi Arabia is interested in the fact that the United States remained strong and continued to participate in the life of the region - he says. - Abandonment of the dollar in favor of a basket of currencies would further weaken the U.S., which is contrary to the interests of Saudi Arabia.
Monday, December 14, 2009
European Neighborhood Policy (ENP).
The European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) is a new approach of the European Union's neighboring countries to strengthen relations between the EU and neighboring countries and EU cooperation on the establishment of security and prosperity, "a ring of friendly countries" on the borders of the European Union. ENP is also intended to provide the Mill-EU neighbors to closer cooperation with the EU in political, security, economy and culture. The objectives of the European Neighborhood Policy: The main objective of the ENP - share the good, the 2004 EU enlargement with neighboring countries in strengthening stability, security and welfare of all countries concerned. On the strengthening of stability and good governance in neighboring EU countries, also referred to the European Security Strategy, approved by the European Council in December 2003. The European Neighborhood Policy does not provide partner countries the prospect of joining the European Union, but also offers a privileged relationship with the EU and contributing to the achievement of the various areas of cooperation. Origin: shstoricheskoe expansion of the European Union became for him a great step towards strengthening security and increasing prosperity on the European continent, but also means a change in the external borders of the Union. These circumstances not only opened up new opportunities but also posed new challenges. European Neighborhood Policy is a response to this new situation. In March 2003 the European Commission presented its Communication "Wider Europe - Neighborhood: A new framework of relations with eastern and southern neighbors of the EU", which was first presented the principles of the new European Neighborhood Policy and the EU noted the importance of strengthening relations with neighboring countries. According to the report to assist third countries, including countries currently covered by TACIS and MEDA, the Commission proposes to create a European instrument of neighborhood. This idea was further elaborated in the statement issued in July 2003, "Towards a new instrument Neighborhood. In October 2003 the European Council welcomed the progress made in implementing this initiative and encouraged the Council and the Commission to continue this work in order to ensure an integrated balanced and proportionate approach, including the establishment of a financial instrument. In May 2004 the European Commission presented a Communication "The European Neighborhood Policy. Strategy and Country reports ", which shall include clear steps to implement the European Neighborhood Policy and the methods of spreading the benefits of EU enlargement on neighboring countries. These priorities to be included in a jointly agreed Action Plans, which represents a key policy document in strengthening relations between the EU and partner countries. Action Plans will be based on a mutual commitment to common values, mainly in the field of rule of law, good governance, human rights, including minority rights, development of good neighborly relations and market economy principles and sustainable development. It is also envisaged that partner countries commit themselves to certain essential aspects of EU external action, including, inter alia, the fight against terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, as well as compliance with international law and efforts to resolve conflicts. Action Plans will, however, are differentiated to reflect the current state of relations with each country, its needs and capabilities, as well as common interests. The volume and pace of development of EU relations with each partner country will depend on the degree of their commitment to common values, as well as the willingness and ability to meet agreed priorities. Action Plans will contain a number of priority objectives whose implementation is an essential element of EU relations with partners: - Political dialogue - involves issues of foreign and security policy, including regional and international issues, conflict prevention and crisis management, as well as common security threats (eg terrorism and its root causes, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and illegal arms exports); - The policy of economic and social development - requires a sophisticated preferential trade relations and increased financial and technical assistance. Also opens up prospects of neighboring countries in the EU internal market based on the convergence of regulatory frameworks, participate in a number of EU programs and improve communications and physical infrastructure that connects them with the EU; - Trade - provides greater market opening in accordance with the principles of WTO and EU standards; - Justice and home affairs - provides more cooperation on migration, asylum, visa policies, measures to combat terrorism, organized crime, illicit drug and arms trafficking, money laundering and financial and economic crimes. The action plans will identify specific steps to strengthen the judicial system and greater cooperation between the police and judicial cooperation, including in the area of family law, as well as cooperation between the European Union, however as Europol and Eurojust. The starting point action plans is a common set of questions that correspond to the objectives of the ENP. However, the development of action plans and agreed priorities for each country will depend on the circumstances. These circumstances include: - geographical location - political and economic situation - relations with the European Union and neighboring countries - the reform program (if applicable) - The needs and opportunities as well as those expressed in the context of the ENP. Thus, each partner will develop an individualized plan of action. The action plans will be defined the way forward for the next 3-5 years. The next step would be to negotiate a new preferential agreements - European Agreement on Neighborliness - that would replace the current generation of bilateral agreements will be reached when the priorities of action plans. Countries included in the scope of the European Neighborhood Policy: The ENP is addressed to the current neighbors of the EU, as well as those who have become closer to the EU enlargement. In Eastern Europe: Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova The EU and Russia agreed to further develop their strategic partnership through the creation of four common spaces in accordance with decisions taken at the St. Petersburg Summit in 2003. In the South Caucasus, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia In the Mediterranean region: Algeria, Egypt, shzrail, shordaniya, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and the Palestinian Authority
Board of Europe.
Board of Europe - Europe's oldest international political organization. Its main stated goal - building a united Europe, based on the principles of liberty, democracy, human rights and the rule of law. Despite the fact that the European flag more often associated with the EU, it was first used by the Council of Europe in 1955. Council of Europe should not be confused with the European Union: it soverienno two different organizations. One of the most significant achievements of the Council of Europe is the development and adoption of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. History Promotion Council of Europe and membership in the Organization Founded in 1949, the Council of Europe is the oldest on the continent, an international political organization. - Current members of the Council of Europe has 47 states, including 21 countries in Central and Eastern Europe. - Another State (Belarus) applied for membership in the Organization. - Observer status with the Council of Europe have 5 member (Vatican City, Canada, Mexico, United States of America and Japan). - Council of Europe should be distinguished from the European Union, which unites 25 countries, who before joining the EU were already members of the Council of Europe. - Headquarters of the Organization is in Strasbourg (France). The objectives of the Council of Europe "The purpose of the Council of Europe is to achieve greater unity between its members ..." (Article 1 of the Charter of the Council of Europe) Council of Europe was created to: - Protection of human rights, parliamentary democracy and the rule of law; - Achievement of pan-European agreements to facilitate the harmonization of social and legal practices of Member States; - Promote understanding of peoples of European identity and unity based on shared spiritual values and implied the preservation and promotion of multiculturalism. (more ...) The main organs of the Council of Europe - The Committee of Ministers - the decision-making body, which comprises foreign ministers of 47 member states of the Council of Europe, or their permanent diplomatic representatives in Strasbourg. - Parliamentary Assembly, comprising 636 members (318 representatives and 318 alternates) appointed by national parliaments. Currently chairman of the Assembly is Rene van der Linden (Netherlands, Group of the European People's Party). - Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe, consisting of the Chamber of Local Authorities and the Chamber of Regions. President of the Congress is currently Halfdan Skard (Norway, SOC). - Secretariat, numbering about 1800 employees in September 2004 headed by Secretary general Terry Davis (United Kingdom), byviim Vice-Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly and Chairman of the Socialist Group.
In Britain, will launch TV channel in three-dimensional image.
British television Sky ", part of the empire of media tycoon Rupert Murdoch, is preparing to make a mini-revolution in television broadcasting, according to Radio Mayak. It boosts the preparations for the launch of Europe's first television station in three-dimensional image in the summer of next year - just in time for World Cup 2010 in South Africa. "The channel, which we intend to run, will give British viewers a wide selection of the best programs available in three-dimensional image - feature films, entertainment and sport - said in a statement released on Sunday the company. - It will be available in the current system of high-definition television." In contrast to the three-dimensional effect in the cinema where the characters literally jump out ribbons at the viewer, the image on the TV screen as it draws the viewer inward, creating the illusion of receivers in great depth.
In Lithuania, President of the European Union abides.
Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite today, 9 December, will meet with the president of the European Union Herman van Rompuy. As REGNUM News, the press service of the State, during the talks planned to discuss the institutional reform of the EU, climate change, energy policy in Europe and other priorities of the EU. "The European Union in connection with the reforms under the Lisbon treaty is going through a period of significant change. Today what processes are shaping the future of 500 million European Community. Lithuania is ready to assume an active role in implementing the necessary reforms the EU, aimed at facilitating the work of European institutions and facilitate the harmonization of the interests of Member States ", - quotes the head of Lithuania's press office dali Grybauskaite. Recall after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty on December 1 in the European Union were established post of EU president and EU Foreign Ministers. At the post of EU president by former Prime Minister of Belgium Herman Van Rompuy, and for the foreign policy of the EU now meets a former member of the European Commission, is British Catherine Ashton. President of the EU took office on Dec. 1, 2009.
EU Reform Treaty, Reform Treaty of the EU (Lisbon Treaty) .
The new draft treaty proposes to retain a number of key provisions of the draft European Constitution. Foremost is the establishment of the post of President of the European Council, which will be elected for two and a half years and will replace the current system of rotating presidency of the EU member states. Also, the draft treaty provides for the establishment of the High Representative of the European Union's external relations and security policy, which will connect the current functions of the High Representative for the Common vneschney and security policy (this post today is Javier Solana) and the European Commissioner for External Relations ( Benita Ferrero-Waldner). At the same time in the new draft treaty, it was decided to abandon the very concept of "EU Constitution", the state symbols of the EU (the flag and anthem) and the direct incorporation of the Charter of fundamental rights in the treaty text (second section of the draft European Constitution). The decision to effect a new treaty of the European Union was reached on June 23 at the Brussels European Council. Treaty should be a compromise between the States that have ratified the text of the European Constitution, and states, it rejected or not the process of ratification.
Lithuanian President will ask for Europe's continued financial support of energy projects .
Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite today, 9 December, met with the President arrived in Lithuania EU Herman van Rompuy. As REGNUM News, the press service of the State, during the negotiations Dalia Grybauskaite said that Lithuania and more trusts for financial support of the European Union, various energy projects in Lithuania. In particular, she noted that the EU will seek to continue financial support for the closure of the Ignalina nuclear power plant and the construction elektrosmychek with the countries of Western Europe. "I would really like to see a new EU president listened to and supported the interests of Lithuania and the whole Baltic region. Most importantly, a new energy concept became a question of energy concept became energy concept became Baltics and Europe", - quotes the head of state President's press office in Lithuania . She also highlighted that one of his first visits the first president of the EU chose to Lithuania. Recall that from December 1 this year, after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, established the post of President of the European Union, which won the Belgian Herman Van Rompuy.
Emirate of Abu Dhabi will provide $ 10 billion to help Dubai World .
Emirate of Abu Dhabi will provide assistance to its neighbor, Abu Dhabi and Dubai, a $ 10 billion, of which $ 4.1 billion goes to payments on the bonds unit investment fund Dubai World, the company Nakheel PJSC. The term of repayment ends today. Dubai is using the remainder of the money to pay creditors and contractors, as well as for the payment of interest until April 30, 2010 "This is a great relief for the market, strengthens the hope that there is implicit support of the Government of Dubai emirate of the corporate sector - said Jason Watts (Jason Watts), an expert from the National Australia Bank Ltd. - While the situation is not yet fully resolved, it is a step in the right direction. In November, the victim of the crisis Dubai World has requested a delay in payment of its $ 26-billion debt in connection with the slowdown in the global market. Total debt of the company amounts to $ 59 billion - roughly three-quarters of all debt of Dubai, which, unlike the neighboring emirates that do not have huge oil reserves. The Government of the emirate has refused to directly allocate money to pay for the obligations of the investment fund.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
UK Press: environmentalists warn of the danger level of the world ocean "skyrockets" .
Level of the world's oceans may rise three times faster than predicted by scientists of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the newspaper Independent. The Intergovernmental Panel considered that a century sea level rise a maximum of 59 cm, however, according to the calculations of other scientists, by 2100, this level could rise by 1.9 meters. Scientists studying the consequences of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Change and the Technological Institute in Helsinki say that sea level rises faster due to warming, especially at the poles of the Earth and the thermal expansion of the ocean. In their view, earlier studies with errors in the calculations and does not fully take into account the impact on the level of the ocean has a melting of polar ice. According to their estimates, the rise of water level could reach from 75 to 1890 cm "The data clearly show - the warmer the climate becomes, the more rapidly rising sea level", - said Dr. Stephen Ramstorf of the Potsdam Institute for studying the effects of climate change. The rise of the water at 1,9 m, writes Independent, will result in that large parts of eastern England will be flooded with the face of the earth to disappear, many small island states, and much of Bangladesh will become uninhabitable. Increase the likelihood of hurricanes, which will lead to flooding in some of the major coastal cities such as London or New York, the newspaper said, referring to environmental scientists.
Conference "Lessons of the Second World War and the Holocaust" will discuss "rehabilitation" of Nazism and collaboration .
In Berlin, 15-18 December 2009 to host international conference "Lessons of the Second World War and the Holocaust." The conference will take place in the sections: "The modern science of history about World War II and the Holocaust", "Interaction between States and NGOs in order to preserve the memory of World War II and the Holocaust," "The Truth and Lies about WWII and the Holocaust in the mirror world media" "The role of culture in preserving the truth about World War II and the Holocaust," "heroic supporters of Nazism as a base for the formation of a national idea and a tool of political struggle in the New Independent States", "Subject History of World War II and the Holocaust in the system of modern education." In the disposal of a REGNUM News entered the conference program, which is reproduced below: Oksana Salad (Ukraine): "The Jewish question in the information policy of Nazi Germany 1941-1944." AI Utkin (Ukraine): "The Soviet military-technical, material and cultural losses in Ukraine Felix Levitas (Ukraine): "Conflicting themes of history of the Second World War" Alexander Dyukov (Russia): "Anti-Semitism in the theory and practice of the OUN and UPA" Olesya Orlenko (Russia): "The general Agreement of the NKVD and Gestapo: the falsification is a form of Holocaust denial" Igor Kotler (USA): "Preserving the memory of the Holocaust and the Holocaust in the United States: The undeniable antidote to the audit of the Holocaust" Boris Kovalev (Russia): "The forms of collaboration in Russia and the Holocaust" Mikhail Nemirovsky (USA): "American Jewish non-governmental organizations in the fight against the audit results of the Second World War. The role of Russian non-governmental organizations in this process" Alex Brook-Krasny (USA): "The American public organizations and the theme of the Second World War" Abraham-Michael Grinzayd (Israel): "The work of the Union Veterans of the Second World War-fighters against Nazism in Israel to promote the contribution of Jewish soldiers in the defeat of Nazi Germany and its allies" Arkadi Monastery (Ukraine): "Characteristics of the interaction of NGOs in Ukraine with state and public organizations in preserving the memory of the Holocaust and World War II. Heroization fight against Nazi criminals through educational and cultural projects in Ukraine Mark Davidovich (USA): "Interaction between public institutions of Holocaust victims and government agencies in New York" Andrew Zarenkov (Estonia): "Promoting international organizations in combating the spread of neo-Nazi sentiments in Europe. Exposing supporters modern Legion. Confrontations audit results of the Second World War" Archimandrite Varsonofy (Carpenter) (Ukraine): "The Orthodox understanding of history. Look at fascism, its causes and consequences" Georg Lipphart (Germany): "Anti-fascism - it is not a crime but a necessity. Solidarity anti-fascists in Eastern Europe" David Curry (Germany): "New forms of germanskogo revisionism and the activity of German anti-fascists" Pastor Sergei Ryakhovsky (Russia): "Nazism and nationalism of the priests" Ilya Kabanchik (Israel): "Current status of places of mass extermination of Jews in the territory of the Right-Bank Ukraine" Eli Zarhin (Israel): "The work of NGOs in order to preserve the memory of World War II and the Holocaust with the second generation of children from Russian-speaking families in the Diaspora" Marina Solodkin (Israel): "Interaction between States and non-governmental organizations in order to preserve the memory of World War II and the Holocaust" Ruvin Schwartzman (Ukraine): "Odessa Regional Association of Jews - former prisoners of ghettos and Nazi concentration camps in the struggle against Nazism and the preservation of truth for posterity" Dmitry Stratievsky (Germany): "Ukrainian anti-Soviet formation during World War II and their significance as part of the national idea in modern Ukraine Boris Feldman (Germany): "Who really won World War II (think 70 years after September 1939)" Boris Rabiner (USA): "Truth and lies about the Second World War and the Holocaust in contemporary istorigrafii" David Meltzer (USA): "The Jewish resistance during the Holocaust in Belorussia in modern historiography" Joseph Painter (Israel): "The Jews - the commanders and commissars of partisan units and formations in the fight against Nazism during the Second World War" Moshe Kenigshteyn (Israel): "Memory of the Holocaust as the basis of Jewish identity and national unity in Israel (according to sociological studies) Svetlana Danilova (USA): "The Holocaust in the North Caucasus. Distortion of facts in the context of contemporary developments in the region" Shimon Briman (Israel): "killed - thousands of murderers - not available: the genocide of the Jews of Lviv, battalion Nachtigall" and "business Shukhevich" in the mirror of the media of Israel " Natalia Oaeueiaa (Kanev) (Israel): "Lighting is the theme of the Second World War in Israeli Hebrew and Russian-language media (the dispute about the winners): A Comparative Analysis" Boris Tenzer (USA): "Reflection of the Holocaust in the U.S. media" Arkady Brauwers (Israel): "heroic Romanian Nazi collaborators in the press of Romania and Moldova" Nina Zhukova (Russia): "Truth and lies about the Second World War in the media of Russia" Gregory Nemirovsky (Czech Republic): "The role of journalism in the preservation of the historical truth about the Second World War and the Holocaust" Meir Uziel (Israel): "The writers of Jewish history: fiction and nebelletristika" Smadar Shir (Israel): "The theme of the Holocaust in children's literature" Efraim Bauch (Israel): "The problem is the glorification of fascism and Nazism in the light of the philosophy of the 20 th century Blankets Koren-Shizgal (Israel): "The role of theater and television in the preservation of Holocaust memory in the memory of the younger generation" Mikhail Galkin (USA): "The role of contemporary art in the light of Jewish history 20 th century" Iosif Begun (Israel): "The Holocaust and national identity" Leonid Belotserkovsky (Israel): "The theme of the Holocaust in Israel's Russian-language editions of the last 20 years of" Guram Batiashvili (Georgia): "The theme of the Holocaust in fiction" Leonid Levin (Belarus): "Yama, Trostinets Khatyn - executioner and victim" Olaf Glockner (Germany): "Holocaust Denial in Iran - a view of modern Germany" Paul Field (Germany): "The denial of the Holocaust as a" Istoriomor and the International historical arbitration as a possible tool to depoliticize conflicts Isaac Neustadt (Israel): "The Holocaust eyes of American Jews during and after the Second World War" Rudolf Mirsky (Ukraine): "Lessons of the Holocaust in the context of current events in Ukraine" David Kohn (Israel): "heroic supporters of Nazism - the national humiliation of their own people" Andrew Zarenkov (Estonia): "Neo-Nazi sentiment in Estonia's ethnic hatred as a way to consolidate the radicals' Michael Greenberg (Israel): "Contemporary Literature of World War II and the Holocaust in Israel and in the countries of the former USSR" Vladimir Epstein (USA): "Dissemination of knowledge and information about the participation of Jews in the partisan movement in the occupied territory of Moldova. Facts about anti-Semitism to the participants of the partisan movement Vladimir Foygelman (USA): "Young (podrastayushee) generation, the lessons of the Holocaust, Jewish education and upbringing" Yuri Shevtsov (Belarus): "heroic collaborators in eastern Europe as a threat to European integration" Dashko Milinovich (Serbia): "heroic supporters of Nazism as a tool in political struggles of post-communist Eastern Europe" Zinovy Galinsky (USA): "The history of the destruction of the family Golinskii-Ternopil-Peltsman during the occupation of Ukraine, including Kiev and Kamenetz-Podolsk Dmitry Schiglik (USA): "Influence of distortion of the history of the Second World War and Holocaust denial on the growth of anti-Semitism and antiizrailizma in modern history" Izzy Katsap (USA): "The Holocaust of the witnesses and victims" Gregory Pasternak (Netherlands): "Countering the glorification of Nazism in the example of the Netherlands" Gregory Reichman (Israel): "The theme of the Holocaust and the heroism of European Jewry in the Russian media of Israel"
EBRD will invest € 1 billion in nanotech projects in Russia .
Leaders of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the state corporation "Rosnano signed Monday a memorandum of understanding, which, inter alia, provides for joint funding of nanotechnology projects in Russia, reported in" Rosnano. The memorandum, signed by the head of Rosnano "Anatoly Chubais and general director of Bank of Russia Alan Piyyu, the priorities for co-financing identified such areas as energy efficiency and energy efficiency and, medicine, microelectronics and nanoelectronics. According to Chubais, the amount of credit - up to € 1 billion - is unprecedented in this field. In turn, Alan Piyyu noted that one of the objectives of the Bank is developing an innovative economy. "We believe that Russia has enormous scientific potential. And we hope that in the medium term, we find such projects and will fund them, "- he said
EBRD invests in Russia in 2009, about $ 4 billion .
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is investing in Russia in 2009, about $ 4 billion, said at the conference "Modernization of Russia's economy: the role of development institutions" EBRD President thomas Mirow. According to him, it will be investing not only in the real economy and help existing clients EBRD in the banking sector, but also in new technologies, infrastructure and energy efficiency. "The support of the development institutions will remain as important in the post-crisis recovery" - he stressed. This will require substantial capital investments, and such institutions as the EBRD, will play an important role in accelerating private investment, attracting foreign direct investment. The Bank intends, in cooperation with VEB to promote small and medium-sized enterprises in Russia. Mirow said that the strategy of cooperation with Russia in 2010-2012 years the Bank has expressed willingness to work with the government of Russia to identify those areas that would help the development of the public sector. "We are ready to watch various types of cooperation - such as co-investing with the strategic investors in the majority and minority shares in the capital, pre-privatization investments in public companies that the state intends to privatize, or investments in the IPO for the promotion of a listing on the stock market", - he said . The total investment in capital in Russia by the EBRD now exceeds $ 10 billion
Kudrin: the world's financial systems require a regulator, similar to the WTO.
World financial system in need of a regulator, similar to the WTO. This opinion was expressed Russia's finance minister Alexei Kudrin. "In trade, we have the WTO, but in the financial markets are regulated at the national level, there are requirements for individual sites, and investors are running from site to site. This creates uncertainty in financial markets ", - he said Tuesday at a conference Vnesheconombank. Therefore, Kudrin believes, the main task now - the creation of the world's financial architecture, which would take into account the state of individual world markets.
Europe suspects that in the beginning of the year it expects a new gas crisis .
In early 2010 while the European Union may be a new gas crisis similar to what happened a year ago. In any case, this possibility does not exclude the European Commissioner for energy Andris Piebalgs, "Right now, more or less clear that during the 2009 crisis will not, but for 2010 we know that there are risks," - he said at a news conference in Brussels on Monday on the basis of the next meeting of energy ministers of 27 countries of the EU. This Piebalgs noted the efforts of Russia and Ukrainian sides to prevent the emergence of a new crisis with the supply gas to Europe. Minister of the Presidency of the EU energy Maud Olofsson of Sweden, for his part, said that the EU countries are now better prepared in the event of a crisis than a year ago. "We are now better organized both within the EU and toward Russia and Ukraine, which provided us safer," - she said. In January of this year due to a commercial dispute between Russia and Ukrainian sides gas from Russia could not be delivered to consumers in the EU within two weeks. Moreover, the parties blamed each other, and what happened to the pipe in fact, impossible to say so far. We only know that because of the lack of contract "Gazprom cut off supplies to Ukraine on Jan. 1. And from January 7 completely stopped gas transit to Europe through Ukrainian territory. Transit was renewed on January 20 after agreeing on the level of Prime Ministers of Russia and Ukraine and signing of the ten-year contract between Gazprom and Naftogaz. Ukrainian authorities, for its part, officially assured the EU that will not allow destabilization in the system of European countries with natural gas and fulfill commitments on transit of Russia "blue fuel".
Cognac 18 th century was sold for € 57 thousand .
In Paris, three bottles of brandy Clos du Griffier in 1788 sold at auction for a total of € 57 thousand The brandy was in the cellars of Paris's oldest restaurant La Tour d'Argent, which has decided to sell part of its stockpile. Brandy acquired three of the buyer, they paid € 25 thousand, € 17 thousand and € 15 thousand for a bottle. One of the buyers was a British businessman of French origin Raphael Zier. "I'll drink it with family and friends. Time for I have it "- he said. In the auction house said that the cognac and interested buyers from Russia, but "the Frenchman in London could offer more money."
Japan has prepared a package of economic incentives by $ 81 billion
The Government of Japan has prepared a package of economic incentives of about $ 81 billion, the second economy in the world began to grow over the last two quarters of this year, but deflation and a strong yen threatened to stop the uncertain recovery of the Japanese economy. The stimulus package includes measures to support small and medium businesses, as well as subsidies for the purchase of energy-efficient cars and household appliances. This will further increase the public debt of the country. According to this indicator, Japan leads the Group of Seven leading industrialized countries, which also includes the U.S., Britain, Germany, Canada, France and Italy
Global warming - a "gift" "Perhaps climate warming and exacerbate the situation in the Middle East, but in Russia it will affect positively. So let's build factories and burning wood!", Calls for 45-year-old Muscovite Alexander Nikonov. Do not think it is not one of those skeptics who do not believe in global warming.
On the contrary, Alexander - one of his most active supporters. Pleased with himself and the world around him, he travels the streets of Moscow on his SUV. Two years ago, this enthusiastic science writer and journalist published a "History of the frost-bitten in the context of global warming," in which he explains to the concept of clear language of Russia climatologist Vladimir Klimenko, and tells the history of civilizations that have collapsed due to climatic vagaries of the Earth. According to Klimenko, CO2 emissions have allowed humanity to avoid a new ice age. Nikonov himself - an active critic of political correctness - said that melting ice will bring Russia a lot of money: it would pave the Northern Sea Route will provide an opportunity to save on heating costs ( "Instead of spending billions on winter heating homes, it will be possible to sell more oil) and melt the permafrost, releasing an enormous amount of arable land. He sees in the warming and the benefit of all the earth: more land, more than unsalted water, more crops. "Climatic warming - a gift which the Western left-liberal bourgeoisie does not want to take us to unknown reasons. Europe wants to improve life on the planet, but our worse!" The main target of criticism Nikonov is exactly Old World, because in the U.S. is still enough Republicans to oppose the Kyoto Protocol and other conferences on climate. "Europe is simply sick thirst to save the whales, blacks in Africa or the islands, which would flood from melting ice. When people live in comfortable conditions, they begin to poke their noses into other people's problems." Growing up in the USSR Nikonov with a similar problem does not occur. Throughout his life he lived in an industrial area in the east of the capital and, if not for restructuring, and remained a metallurgical engineer. Like many of his countrymen, he believes that Europeans are simply "crazy about ecology", moreover, that the environmental situation they are much better. He admits, however, that he would in the future to buy a house in the "clean" quarter with clean air, for which is now being actively fought the Muscovites. But there is no contradiction here, he does not find: in the end, thanks to warming in Russia will soon be enough room for all.
The countries of Europe and the CIS more than other regions hit by the global economic crisis
Countries in Europe and the CIS more than other regions hit by the global economic crisis, which led to slower economic growth and has become a threat to the achievements of the past decade, including in the social sphere. This statement was made by UN Assistant Secretary general and Director of UNDP Regional Bureau for Europe and the CIS Kori Udovicki at the UN Conference, which takes place December 7-8 in Almaty (Kazakhstan). BelTA reported Specialist Public Relations Sub-regional offices of the International Labor Organization (ILO) for the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Olga Bogdanova. The conference is organized by four UN agencies - ILO, UNICEF, FAO and UNDP - with support from the Government of Kazakhstan. It involved the Ministers of Labor and Social Welfare, the Ministries of Labor and Social Protection, Finance, Economy and Agriculture from 12 countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine) as well as representatives of the UN system, international and regional financial institutions, bilateral agencies, international organizations of workers and employers, civil society and regional scientific community. Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Turkey remain "on the front lines" of the crisis, which resulted in the sharp decline in GDP and massive job cuts. From April 2008 to April 2009 are in Russia lost their jobs 3,4 million people. In the first quarter of this year, the unemployment rate was 10,3% of the economically active population in Ukraine and 15.8% percent in Turkey. The most serious problem of unemployment has affected youth. Lost their jobs and many migrants, in connection with which a third to reduce their remittances to their homeland. Governments of many countries in the region have taken steps to overcome the crisis and the situation on the labor market, but it is important to establish a macroeconomic framework conducive to increased investment, sustainability of enterprises and productive employment. Despite the general recognition of the role of social protection systems in the crisis period, coverage and quality of these systems in the region are inadequate and in many cases do not meet the needs of vulnerable groups. Many countries in the region have attempted to preserve funding for social services in times of crisis, but few were able to carry out a coordinated strategy for employment and social protection aimed at reducing the impact of the crisis. Needed a more flexible system of social protection that can ensure greater coverage. The conference is scheduled three technical discussions on issues of employment, social protection and food security based on materials prepared by the ILO, UNICEF and FAO.-0 -
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