In the most "rush hour" in the subway two explosions at intervals of less than an hour. First - in 7 hours 56 minutes at the station "Lubyanka" and the second - at the station "Park Kultury", radial.
In an instant life of the city has changed. Killed, wounded, coaches, ambulances, helicopters above the center of the capital. According to recent data - 38 killed, over 60 wounded - some of them have provided assistance to the streets in the very first moments after the explosions.
Doors from the exploded car blown up into several parts. Around smoke, pieces of broken glass, dead bodies. It describes the situation at the metro station "Lubyanka" eyewitnesses. Immediately after the explosion were heard shouting. Someone managed to turn the camera on a mobile phone and remove what is happening. Many do not immediately understand what happened.
Valery Svirin, a witness: "At the time of the explosion I was on the escalator, did transplant with the Kuznetsk bridge" to "Lubyanka." Ran the people all of the blood. 5 man ran away. And then, when it got there, people lying, people 7. One man made dressing woman, she was unconscious. "
At the station "Park Kultury" was a second explosion. The light in the cars went out at once - but nevertheless, people have been able to remain calm. A few minutes later arrived and rescue helicopters and firefighters. The evacuation.
Irina Kedrovskaya, a witness: "I declare on speakerphone so that all immediate left underground. The smell of burning feeling. Then it began to carry the wounded. In the street all trying to get through, apparently, to the families, but there was no connection."
The tragedy occurred in the morning rush hour, many rushed to work, the trains were overcrowded. The first explosion was at 7.56 in the Lubyanka metro station. This Sokol'nicheskaja line, the center of Moscow. The second in 8.37 at the same branch at the station "Park Kultury", radial. How it all happened, now set by experts. Based on the testimony of witnesses and information, investigation, events unfolded like this. At the station "Lubyanka" rode the train from the "South-Western. The doors opened, people began to leave and enter. At this point in the second car bomb exploded.
Roman Ryabchikov, a witness: "I rode the first train. When everyone already announced that the train would go no farther, we came out. To my left there was an explosion - loud pop, smoke more, we ran all the output. People have expressed themselves very well. All helped. For example, help for pregnant women, so they passed.
Emergency services arrived quickly, in 8 minutes after the explosion. Evacuation lasted about an hour. Coach ambulance drove up, one after the other every minute. To save time, people were carried away in their hands. Everything happened very quickly.
At that moment, when all forces were sent to Lubyanka Square roared a second explosion. At the station "Park Kultury", as soon as the train doors began to open in the third car sounded cotton, there were cries, there was a smell of burning. But how many of the witnesses say, panic in both cases was avoided.
Yury Besedin, deputy head of the SU Emergency Ministry of Moscow: "Continuing on the speakerphone made aware people where they want to go, what to do or where to turn. This was the most was probably difficult, but I want to say that neither at the metro station" Lubyanka "or the" Park of Culture "was not a panic."
The experts found that the power of an explosive device at the Lubyanka was about 3 kilograms of TNT on the "Park of Culture" - about 2 pounds. Only later specialists will be able to say with certainty - the explosions too much alike.
Dmitry Gayev, head of the Moscow Metro: "The explosions took place inside the interior of trains at a time when the train stopped at the station. Gains and landing and disembarkation of passengers."
In both cases, the bombs had been stuffed with metal balls and nails - to increase the power of the explosion and the number of victims. Two criminal case under article "Terrorism" are merged into one.
All day on the site of tragedy Explosives experts were working with dogs and handlers. Operational headquarters were deployed on the street. Investigators looking at CCTV footage, found that the two suicide bombers entered the subway together to the station "South-West. They were accompanied by 2 other women. The faces of all were open. Later came the information that together with them was one man. It is now making a sketch of the alleged accomplices of terrorists and conducted their search.
All day Lubyanka Square was blocked by police. At the place worked psychologists. On the "Park of Culture" by noon, shoot the guards and open the station "Park Kultury"-ring. And on the radial experts are still working. The bodies of two terrorists have already been found and sent for identification. Wrecked cars after careful consideration is taken to a depot.
Initially planned to restore traffic in 16 hours, but were able to close to 18 - to the same time removed the cordon.
We train on the "Red line" walk normally, but few passengers. At both stations are visible effects of explosions: blood, traces of shrapnel and flowers. They bring in the memory of the victims. With each hour the color becomes more and more.
Immediately after the explosion at the metro station "Park Kultury" were filmed shots of the car of another train that arrived from the opposite side. One can only assume that experienced in those moments people caught on the spot of the tragedy and all who saw his own eyes.
The first explosion occurred at the station "Lubyanka" in 7 hours 56 minutes. Witnesses also were taking place on camera mobile phones. The film and became the first evidence of the tragedy.
In the evening, after the station was once again open for passengers, people began to bring flowers to the scene. Tomorrow in Moscow declared a day of mourning.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Heathrow is working well, despite the strike.
The fifth terminal in London Heathrow continues to operate normally despite the massive strike of airline crews British Airways (BA), including through the work of the VA with its occupants, who warned in advance to cancel flights, said RIA Novosti CEO Willie Walsh . "All is well, the airport rather loaded today, as you can see, the flights depart and arrive normally," - said Walsh, who in the first day of a four-day protest in person is in Heathrow. The Executive Director communicates with the airline's employees and volunteers, monitoring the situation during the massive protests, which is held in tension for the UK transport system time before the Easter holidays. At the same time in the airport on Saturday, calmly enough, people will not stand in queues and do not try to change the tickets, but on the scoreboard no information about cancellations. In addition, some flights that BA can not do by itself, carried out by other carriers. "We are prepared in advance and warned our clients about all the cancellations sent to all the recommendations about how to proceed if a flight is canceled," - added Walsh. He confirmed that during the strike, which will last until the end of the day Tuesday, the airline plans to keep lifting to a minimum and to implement up to 75% of flights - as long-haul, and neighbors. Last week - from 20 to 22 March - the first of two major strikes, which had previously voted for union members Unite, representing the interests of VA employees, failing to reach an agreement with the company regarding the change of working conditions. The dispute between the Unite union and the carrier began in 2009 because of the company's plans to reduce the number of crew members on long-haul flights from 15 to 14 and freeze a two-year wage growth. BA, tolerate record losses, hopes for new measures to save up to 62.5 million pounds sterling. The union previously proposed alternative measures to reduce wages by 2,6% and the transition of some employees to part-time jobs that would allow companies to save up to 63 million pounds. However, VA disagreed, and offered her a compromise settlement of the dispute did not find understanding from Unite. Is expected to be affected only Heathrow, London City Airport and the Airport Gatwick, flights will be sent on schedule. Fully restore the schedule of flights the company promises to April 2.
Ministry of Agriculture of the BRIC countries intend to create a common information base.
Ministers of Agriculture of Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) in Moscow on Friday for the first meeting, signed a declaration on the basic directions of quadrilateral cooperation, including the establishment of a common information base, which will increase trade of agricultural products between the two countries, reported on the results signing RF Agriculture Minister Elena Skrynnik. "As requested by the leaders of our countries, the agriculture ministers of the BRIC countries signed a declaration in which we give all the main areas of our multilateral cooperation. In particular, the creation of a common information base, which will increase trade in agricultural products between the two countries, and developing overall strategy to ensure food most vulnerable populations and the general approach, which deals with strategies to address global climate issues, "- she said. Also, the document envisages cooperation of the BRIC countries to introduce innovative technologies in the agricultural sector, the minister added. Creation of agricultural information base of the BRIC countries is expected to be based on the balance of production and consumption of agricultural products, population growth and allow a comprehensive analysis of food security in these countries. Global food security is a crucial issue for the interaction and the creation of an information base will coordinate to solve these issues, including the formation of national grain reserves, taking into account the global picture of food security. To implement the agreed measures agreed to establish a permanent expert working group, whose meetings will be held on a regular basis. The team will prepare agriculture ministers of the BRIC countries and offers a report on the implementation of these tasks. It is assumed that the next meeting of the Ministers of Agriculture BRIC in 2011.
World oil prices declined slightly.
Oil prices on world markets on Friday, March 26, declined to review the background of the negative side of growth estimates for the U.S. economy in the fourth quarter of 2009, Reuters reported. At the New York Stock Exchange NYMEH (New York Merchantile Exchange) cost of the May futures for U.S. light crude oil Light Sweet Crude Oil has fallen to 0,53 dollars - to $ 80 per barrel, exactly. Price of May futures for North Sea petroleum mix of mark Brent Crude Oil at London exchange ISE (InterContinental Exchange Futures) on the results of the auctions has decreased on 0,32 dollars - to 79.29 dollars per barrel. U.S. GDP in real terms in the fourth quarter of 2009, according to the final evaluation of the Ministry of Commerce, has grown by 5,6% compared with the third quarter. Analysts earlier predicted that the assessment of economic growth for the October-December, will remain at the level of 5,9%.
U.S. stock markets were closed in different positions.
U.S. stock indexes up to the auction on Friday, March 26, changed different direction against the euro-zone leaders reached an agreement regarding the mechanism for providing burdened with debt of Greece financial aid and unclear reasons for the collapse of the South Korean navy ships in the Yellow Sea, reports Reuters. By the closing trading the Dow Jones index rose by 0.08% to 10,850.36 points. S & P 500 on Friday rose by 0.07% to 1,166.59 points. NASDAQ index on the basis of trades fell by 0,1% - to 2395.13 points. DJIA (Dow Jones Industrial Average, Dow Jones) - the average movement in share prices of 30 major industrial corporations. S & P 500 (Standard and Poor 500 Index) - index of stock prices 500 largest companies by market capitalization. NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation, automated quotation system of the National Association of Securities Dealers) - an index of high-tech companies. It is calculated on the basis of quotations of ordinary shares of all companies (U.S. residents and foreign), traded in the OTC system, NASDAQ, weighted by market capitalization
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Wall Street helped Greece to hide debts from Europe .

Strategy Wall Street to facilitate issuance of unreliable mortgages in America, and now has aggravated the financial crisis in Greece, undermining the euro and will allow EU governments to hide the size of their debts. While concern over Greece troubled world markets, articles and interviews show that with the help of Wall Street's country is participating in a ten-year attempt to circumvent the rules on debt in the EU. Only one transaction with Goldman Sachs helped to hide the debt from the overseers of Brussels. Even when the crisis was approaching a climax, the banks looking for ways to help Greece to postpone the Day of Judgement. In early November - that is, three months before Athens became the epicenter of the global financial worries - a team from Goldman Sachs, arrived in the ancient city with a very modern supply the Greek government, try to pay their bills, as told by people who knew about the meeting . Bankers led by Goldman Sachs president Gary Cohn suggested that the Greek government's financial solution that would postpone the date of repayment of debts health care system in Greece is far into the future, just as homeowners are taking a secondary mortgage to pay off their credit cards. This has been done before. In 2001, immediately after Greece was admitted to the Monetary Union of Europe, Goldman helped the Government of the country billions of dollars to get loans, according to a competent source. This agreement was concealed from the public eye, as seen as a currency trading, rather than loans. Due to this, Greece has managed to follow the rules of the budget deficit in Europe and continued to be live in a big way. Athens did not take the last sentence of Goldman, but in terms of the debt crisis in Greece and the promise of its wealthier neighbors to help, an agreement with Wall Street the last ten years, raised questions about its role in the global financial crisis. As in the case of the U.S. mortgage crisis and the collapse of American International Group, derivatives have played an important role in the increase of debt of Greece. Agreement developed by Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase and a wide range of other banks have allowed politicians to mask the additional loans, Greece, Italy and possibly other countries. With the help of dozens of agreements across the continent, the banks gave out openly funds in exchange for government payments in the future. Greece, for example, in the coming years, pledged to pass funds from banks aviasborov and income from lotteries. Critics say such deals because they are not recorded as loans, misled investors and regulators about the debt of the country. Some of the Greek agreements have been named in honor of the heroes of Greek mythology. One of them, for example, is named in honor of the god Aeolus wind. The crisis in Greece is a significant threat to the common European currency, the euro, and economic unity of the continent. Greece, the language of bankers, too big a country to allow it to fail. Greece must be the world $ 300 billion, and that large banks are on the hook most of this debt. Defaulted impact throughout the world. A spokesman for the Greek Ministry of Finance said that the Government met with many banks in recent months, and did not trust any of their proposal. All debt financing is conducted in order to ensure transparency, "she said. Goldman and JPMorgan declined to comment on. Affairs of Wall Street in Europe paid little attention to this side of the Atlantic, but it is subjected to severe criticism in Greece and in magazines such as the German "Der Spiegel". "Politicians want to hold the ball forward, and if the banker can show them to postpone the problem, they readily agreed," said A. Gikah Harduvelis, an economist and former government official who helped write the final report on the accounting policy in Greece. Wall Street did not create debt problems for Europe. But bankers have allowed Greece and other countries to borrow beyond their means, moreover, the agreement was entirely lawful. Few rules govern the process of borrowing money to cover the states, such as military or medical expenses. The market of public debt - the term Wall Street to describe the Government lending - as unlimited, as vast. "If the government wants to deceive, it can do it," said Harry Shinasi, a veteran of the research unit of the International Monetary Fund, engaged in monitoring the vulnerabilities of global capital markets. Banks are willing to use freely the spending of the government. Although Greece has not benefited from Goldman proposal in November 2009, she should still pay the bank approximately $ 300 million as a reward for hosting the Agreement of 2001, according to several bankers who are familiar with this transaction. Such openly documented or undisclosed derivatives add uncertainty to how serious the problem in Greece and other countries that may use similar off-balance sheet accounts. A wave of fear swept over other economic problems the country on the periphery of Europe, making loans for Italy, Spain and Portugal, more expensive. At the same time with all the benefits of European unification, with one currency, there appeared a big problem: countries such as Italy and Greece joined the monetary union with a large deficit, as permitted under the treaty establishing the single currency. Rather than raise taxes or cut spending, governments of these countries is artificially reduced their deficits by borrowing. Derivatives should not be disastrous. In 2001 agreement applied swap. One such tool, called the interest rate swap, can help companies and countries to cope with fluctuations in the cost of credit through the exchange of fixed rate payments for floating, or vice versa. Another type, currency swap, can minimize the impact of volatile exchange rates. But with the help of JPMorgan Italy was able to do much more. Despite continuing high deficits in 1996, derivatives helped bring the budget in Italy by the exchange rate of currency through JPMorgan for the favorable exchange rate, yielding a profit of Italian government. In turn, Italy committed itself future payments, which were not recorded as debt. "Derivatives are a very useful tool," said Gustavo Pigalle, an economics professor who prepared a report for the Council on Foreign Relations on the Italian agreement. "They can damage only if used for the embellishment of the true state of affairs. In Greece, the financial wizardry went even further. By holding a "garage" sale on a national scale, Greek officials have essentially laid the airports and highways of the country to bail out the much-needed money. "Aeolus", a legal entity established in 2001, helped Greece to reduce the debt on the balance of the year. Under the agreement, Greece has received money sredstvav exchange for a guarantee of future landing fees at airports in the country. A similar agreement in 2000 called "Ariadne" and it was to devour profits, which the government received from the national lottery. Greece, however, classify these transactions as sales rather than loans, despite the doubts of many critics. These transactions are challenged in government circles for many years. Back in 2000, European Finance Ministers fiercely debated, whether disclosed derivative agreements with such a system of "creative accounting". The answer was negative. However, in 2002 to conclude such agreements as the "Aeolus" and "Ariadne," which are not reflected on the balance of the state, the EU countries were required to declare such transactions as loans rather than sales. However, more recently, in 2008, Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Union, reported that "in some cases, operations to ensure fulfillment of obligations, apparently aimed at achieving concrete results in accounting, regardless of the economic value of these operations." While such tricks in reporting can be helpful in the short term, over time they can be catastrophic. George Alogoskoufis, who became finance minister of Greece after the agreement with Goldman, criticized the deal in Parliament in 2005. Agreement, as said Alogoskoufis, was imposed on the government with large payments in favor of Goldman until 2019. Alogoskoufis, who left his post a year ago, said by e-mail last week that Goldman agreed to revise the agreement to "to restore good relations with the republic." He said that the new conditions for Greece are much better than before. In 2005, Goldman sold the interest rate swap to the National Bank of Greece, the largest bank in the country. In 2008, Goldman helped the bank to sell the swap entity, named "Titlos. But the bank retained the bonds issued by "Titlos", and, according to the financial research firm Dealogic, used them as collateral to borrow even more from the European Central Bank. Edward Manchester, senior vice president of the credit rating agency Moody's, said that the deal ultimately hurt Greece because of its long-term payment obligations. "This swap will always be unprofitable for the government of Greece," he added. Authors: Louise Story, Landon Thomas Jr.., Nelson Schwartz.
U.S. asked to sign a treaty on strategic offensive arms in PragueU.S. asked to sign a treaty on strategic offensive arms in Prague.
United States appealed to the Czech Republic to organize a signing ceremony in Prague, with Russia a new treaty on Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty (START), said on Wednesday, Agence France Press referring to the statement by the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs. According to the agency, Prague, Washington has already sent the appropriate request, but the date of signing the contract it is not defined. "They (the U.S.) have made a request of the possibility of this (signing) in Prague, and we agreed. To date, no dates are not specified," - the words quoted by Agence France-Presse, Press Officer of the Czech diplomatic corps, Jiri Benes (Jiri Benes). This Benes said that the final decision on the date and place of signing of the treaty should take Moscow and Washington. Earlier, Ukraine appealed to Russia and the U.S. initiative to sign an agreement in Kiev. Validity of the contract between Russia and the United States on reducing strategic offensive arms (START), which provides for 15 years the process of planned to reduce nuclear arsenals of the two countries expired on Dec. 5, 2009. Moscow and Washington were negotiating a new instrument on the START and repeatedly stated that he could be signed shortly. The fact that the U.S. and Russia may sign a treaty on strategic offensive arms in April and probably not in Washington but in Europe, last Friday, March 19, after negotiations, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told Deputy Government Staff Yuri Ushakov. At held in Moscow on March 19 talks Foreign ministers of the two countries noted the progress in preparing the document, but did not give any time or place of signing. "We are very close to finalizing a new agreement on limiting strategic arms. Our negotiators were able to resolve the most important issues. The remaining are some technical issues," - said U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. "We're not going to look forward to," take away the thunder "from the ads, which will be done, let's not make this announcement now," - she added. According to the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, President Dmitry Medvedev during a meeting with Hillary Rodham Clinton expressed satisfaction with the way Follow the instructions given to them, and President Barack Obama negotiators in Geneva. A few days later, on March 22, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said that Russia and the U.S. in the coming days will finalize a new contract. "We are literally on the verge, I think in the coming days will be completed this deal," - he said. Speaking about the possible place of signing the document, the diplomat noted that "the question of agreement between the two parties, and while not complete semantic work, talk about the place (signing) is difficult." Earlier, President Medvedev said that the contract can be signed in any country. "We can do it anywhere, as long as the material was ready," - he said during his visit to the U.S. in September 2009.
Clinton arrives in Moscow to sign a nuclear agreement.

MOSCOW - U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrives in Russia on Thursday for crucial talks on a new agreement on nuclear disarmament between the former adversaries of the Cold War. Effects of the Strategic arms reduction agreements of 1991, ended in December, and the negotiators were unable to agree a new contract. This prevented both powers "restart" partly damaged relationships. The official reason for the two-day visit, Clinton - four-Middle East summit. But officials on both sides confirmed that Secretary of State to negotiate a new agreement with its Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov. The American President Barack Obama and the head of Russia Dmitry Medvedev met to sign a new agreement by the end of 2009, to significantly reduce nuclear arsenals, but the negotiations in Geneva have stalled because of strong disagreements. Russian and American officials say that the remaining problems are technical and relate to the fact that the final document will consist of hundreds of pages and must be translated into Russian and English languages, without inconsistencies. "We never talked about any differences. The usual process of negotiations is under way. This is a very extensive document," said the Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Andrei Nesterenko. Last week the New York Times reported that Obama was so disappointed that Medvedev is bound by an agreement on disarmament with the debate over U.S. plans to install missile defense facilities in Eastern Europe. Moscow was outraged statement Romania in January that it intends to establish the leading elements of U.S. missile shield on its territory, reports The New York Times. Military analyst Pavel Felgenhauer said the stumbling block was Russia's demand to abandon plans for missile defense, which the U.S. Senate refuses to perform when it comes to ratification of the agreement. "They are trying to find a formula which can satisfy both sides," said Feldgenhauer, the military commentator of the newspaper Novaya Gazeta. "The United States would sign an agreement quickly in order to improve the atmosphere. But this is not obtained and instead renew the relationship, new problems," he said. In his last telephone conversation on Saturday, the two presidents expressed their satisfaction with the "perfect state of preparation of" a new contract and concluded that the final date for the talks might already be scheduled, according to the Kremlin. Some reports said that both sides want to complete the negotiations before the United States Summit on Nuclear Safety on April 12-13. On Tuesday, daily Russian newspaper Kommersant reported that the Philippines offered its territory to sign a new agreement and confirmation of its status as an equivalent partner with the East and the West. "This will be an important milestone. It is one of the key points reboot relations," said former U.S. Ambassador to Russia James Collins, director of the Russia program at the Carnegie Center. US-Russia relations have ceased to be trustees under President George Bush, and the signing of a new nuclear agreement will be evidence of a new stage in relations between the two countries. Signed in 1991, the START agreements led to a tremendous reduction in U.S. and Russian nuclear arsenals, and ensure the arrangements for monitoring compliance with agreements. The contract was supposed to contribute to a lasting peaceful relations between the two former adversaries of the Cold War. The probability of signing a new agreement became apparent in July, when Obama and Medvedev agreed to reduce the number of warheads on both sides to 1500-1675 units. The United States report that they currently have approximately 2,200 nuclear warheads, while Russia's is believed to have about 3000 units.
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