Poland today would die in silence. The country will be announced in two minutes of silence. Began one week mourning for the dead. Accident near Smolensk rallied people to memorial services are thousands of parishioners.
In Poland - second day of national mourning for the dead in plane crash near Smolensk. The walls of the presidential palace laid a carpet of flowers and candles.
People carried flowers and lit candles all night. One of the major streets of Warsaw - Cracow - turned into a stream of people. On large screens broadcast images of those who died in the crash.
Suzanne Buyach: "For me, the death of President Lech Kaczynski, MPs, military leaders - the tragedy of the whole nation. We lost nation's elite. And regardless of rank and position, we grieve for each one of them."
Portraits Lech Kaczynski and his wife, who died of deputies of the Saeima, public figures and military leaders went into mourning frame on the front pages of all Polish publications.
At noon, stopped traffic and pedestrians, stop manufacturing plants - so the country holds its breath, observed a moment of silence in memory of those killed in a plane crash near Smolensk.
In accordance with the Constitution of Poland after the tragic death of President Lech Kaczynski's head of state powers transferred to the Speaker of the Sejm Bronislaw Komarovsky.
Bronislaw Komorowski, chairman of the Parliament of Poland: "Fellow citizens, friends, relatives. In accordance with the Constitution of my country, I like the Marshal of the Seimas, take over the presidential duties.
My problem now - in two weeks to announce the date of the new presidential elections, in turn, since the announcement to the will must take place no more than 60 days. What I intend to do, after consultation with all political parties.
Under current legislation, an early presidential election should be held within ten days after the date of announcement of elections. Thus, the name of the new head of state will be known in June.
It is unclear what will happen farewell ceremony with Lech Kaczynski. The only time until this moment in history, Poland has lost the head of state in 1922. , Was killed the first president of the republic.