Banks are letting a good crisis go to waste
There was a point during Deutsche Bank’s investor day last month when, in an otherwise lucid presentation, Colin Fan, the new co-head of the bank’s corporate banking and securities division, slipped into fluent bankerspeak: “One of the things that is hard to demonstrate on a two-dimensional piece of paper is the giving-up of optionality, convexity, whatever you want to call it. All of the things in the past we thought would be a good, cheap cost to maintain optionality: gone.”
Analysis by Financial News,
published last week, shows that banks have barely started the long task
of getting their houses in order. Over the three years to the end of
June, the balance sheets at a sample of nine large investment banks
actually increased by 6% in dollar terms when measured by total assets,
while revenues across the industry have slumped by around a third and
pre-tax profits by two thirds.
Last week, consultancy firm McKinsey
released its annual review on the global banking industry. It found
that only 6% of banks had improved costs and revenues over the past
year; the performance of 30% of banks actually went backwards. Banks
have still not got to grips with their bloated cost structures, dreamt
up new ways of becoming profitable in the current environment or
consolidated in any meaningful way.
What are they waiting for?
In a research report also released
last week, Huw Van Steenis, the lead banks analyst at Morgan Stanley,
wrote: “Banks simply can’t hoard as much optionality” – (there’s that
word again) – “and players that are lacking scale or hugely capital
constrained have to make tough decisions to enhance returns. We were
struck on our wholesale banks field trip how this was really starting to
play out.”
Starting to play out? Five years on
from the beginning of the credit crunch, are we really only here? How
can it be that banks are only now realising they can’t keep all their
options open (which is what I’m guess bankers mean by “optionality”)
Part of the problem can be traced
back to 2009, when market activity bounced back after the first shock of
the credit crunch. That gave management teams the false belief that the
boom years might return once the dust settled. It is now clear they
were only a brief aberration.
Last week, JP Morgan provided
another of the brief rays of light that have occasionally penetrated the
gloom since, announcing record third quarter results in which
underlying revenues were up nearly a third compared to last year and
pre-tax profits quadrupled. As John Cleese said in the film Clockwise:
“I can take the despair. It’s the hope I can’t stand.”
In recent months, however, there
have been signs of a dawning realisation that the fundamental issues
banks face aren’t going away anytime soon. Most will be struggling with
them, in the words of one head of a European investment bank, “for the
rest of my natural working life”.
But, even now, there is the danger
of further procrastination. McKinsey is very clear about which direction
to point the finger of blame for this: “State aid and central bank
policies have significantly alleviated consolidation pressure and
impeded a major shake-out. There have been only 30 bank failures in the
United States year-to-date, compared with a high of 157 in 2010.
“Globally, some $1.7 trillion of
direct support has been injected into the banking system, with no clear
visibility as to when this support will be withdrawn or when the sector
will be required to fend for itself. Transformation momentum will only
accelerate when state interventions subside.”
Which way now?
Those in any doubt about this theory
need only consider the apparent contradiction on display last week when
Robert Jenkins, a member of the Bank of England’s financial policy
committee, gave a speech railing against the dangers of an
over-leveraged banking system.
This followed the committee’s recent
recommendation that banks need to further strengthen their balance
sheets, possibly by raising new equity. And yet, at the same time, the
Financial Services Authority was relaxing rules to allow UK banks to
treat corporate loans as risk free. The FSA’s move is designed to
stimulate lending and boost the economy.
Critics of the Bank of England’s
hard-line stance point out that UK banks are among the best capitalised
in Europe. But, equally, it is difficult to pick holes in Jenkins’
assertion that Basel rules to limit loans made by banks to 33 times
their own capital will leave leverage still too high.
So which is it to be? Should banks
be further shrinking their balance sheets and raising equity as
advocated by the Bank of England or participating in the FSA’s
experimental use of bank regulation to boost the economy and loading up
with corporate loans?
Van Steenis wrote in his report:
“Profound, complex and multi-year deleveraging will be an ongoing
challenge to European banks and will keep an unusual dependency on
policy stimuli for years to come.”
In fact it is the confluence of these two often contradictory trends – deleveraging and government policy – that will produce the most difficult and disorientating eddies and whirlpools for banks to navigate in the coming years.
In fact it is the confluence of these two often contradictory trends – deleveraging and government policy – that will produce the most difficult and disorientating eddies and whirlpools for banks to navigate in the coming years.