Jenkins criticism spurs buyside to enter bank debate
Senior executives from the European investment industry are planning to enter the debate on the future of the banking industry in the wake of criticism from a Bank of England executive that the buyside has sat on the sidelines too long.
Martin Gilbert, chief executive of
Aberdeen Asset Management, said: “The banks have good lobbying skills
but asset managers have been pretty shy. I would support a forum where
we can make our views known to both sides.” Jenkins said: “I welcome
Martin Gilbert’s suggestion. I will work with him and like-minded others
to facilitate such a forum.”
Richard Saunders, chief executive of
the Investment Management Association trade body, expressed support:
“There is a need for much more input from asset managers into the policy
process around bank reform. Policymakers don’t ask themselves nearly
often enough how banks can be made attractive to investors. And asset
managers are sometimes too shy about putting forward a view.”
Saker Nusseibeh, chief executive of
Hermes Fund Managers, said: “The asset management industry has a moral
duty to get involved in the debate on bank capitalisation and
regulation. This is not just about whether it makes banks more
investible for us: it is wider than that.
“We are the investment professionals
who spend our careers analysing banks, we have knowledge and views on
how they can work better. We should share that, and the regulators and
politicians should take that into account.”
Lindsay Tomlinson, National
Association of Pension Funds board member, said: “If such a forum can be
created, I would most certainly support it.”
Last week, Hendrik du Toit, chief
executive of Investec Asset Management, said that managers should be the
“transparent, modern, accountable face of capitalism”. He was speaking
at Financial News’ 2012 Awards for Excellence in European Asset
Management the day after Jenkins had criticised the buyside at the CFA
UK’s annual chairman’s dinner. Jenkins claimed asset managers were the
stakeholder group best qualified to shape the outcome of the banking
reform debate but also the most silent.
Asset management sources confirmed
that a group of managers had discussed the importance of making banks
investible with Jenkins last week. A series of equity managers,
including Neil Woodford of Invesco Perpetual, stopped investing in the
sector in the 2000s because they could not work out how they were making
their money.
A hedge fund manager said the main
priority was to provide certainty: “The regulatory landscape is so
unclear because of the politicisation of banks. I would put the ball
decisively back in the far right-hand corner of the regulators’ court
where they would probably falter and fail to return it.”